I love going on vacations but so does Endo!! With back problems now, I’m pretty limited when it comes to where I can travel
So how can travelling with a chronic illness be more manageable?

Prepare & Plan ahead!
Accommodations: check accessibility (room location, elevator, proper pillows, etc) & location in relation to where you will be going
Research & make a list of restaurants that meet your diet requirements (ie gluten/dairy free). Bring snacks as well (protein balls, granola bars, nuts, etc)
Make a packing list, pack what you can during the week, & avoid running around doing last minute things
Get therapies/notes from your Doctor outlining your needs prior to the trip. The week of, I went for Acupuncture, LLLT, Chiro, RMT, & Physio
Pack all meds & supplements! Bring more than less. Know where the closest drug store is to your accommodation & check for local dispensaries

Photography: Ishu Kler Creative
Pack good shoes & comfy clothes that are versatile incase the weather changes (think layers) Plan outings & balance your days (if doing an activity, plan to rest after so you can still do something later) Check in online, print pass or send to phone (direct flights are also best) Upgrade if possible or choose an aisle seat so you can stand up & move around Book wheelchair assistance with the airline if needed. I did after surgery & it was totally worth it Get Nexus or TSA pre check to save time in line ups Leave early for the airport so you don’t have to rush Check in luggage unless you have your own assistant! Keep carry on light & use a backpack
Stretches before & every 30-60 minutes during travel
My backpack/carry on Essentials: Heat patches, Ireliev wireless TENS/EMS machine, Oils (Pain Release, Peppermint, Eaters Digest, Sleep Well by Saje), Medistik, Advil, Robaxcet, Ativan, pads (I haven’t had a period since October but who knows!) neck pillow, back pillow, ball for rolling out, beatsbydre, phone stand & wipes for cleaning my seat! Yes I’m one of those people & don’t care lol

Photography: Ishu Kler Creative
Stay hydrated Recline seat Massage after or medicate, take a hot shower, stretch, roll out, use TENS machine, & rest
What are some of your travel tips or travel essentials?
Roop Bassra, RN
BSc Psychology, BSc Nursing