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About Me

There is no cure but there is also a lack of support for people with Endometriosis. It can be difficult to find resources or know which information is correct when it comes to learning more about Endo.

I have been really dealing with endometriosis and its variety of symptoms since 2008. Being a Registered Nurse, I trust other health care professionals to know what is best for me and my health; but at the same time, educating yourself and knowing what is best for you is extremely important because this disease affects each person differently. 

When I first was “diagnosed” with Endometriosis (my family doctor made a very educated guess based on my symptoms otherwise diagnosis can only be confirmed through laparoscopic excision & biopsy) I was 25 years old. I had been on birth control since I was 11 years old and had been off of it (by personal choice) for almost 2 years when the random pains started.

When I researched Endometriosis at the time of my diagnosis, I found a short paragraph stating it causes period pain (which is a complete understatement for those who have experienced this pain) and can cause issues with fertility. I thought to myself, I’m young and otherwise healthy so I'll be fine. Had I known what I was going to go through in the years to follow, I would have looked further into this disease and what preventative measures could have been taken then.

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In 2013 and early 2015 I had my first 2 surgeries for Endometriosis with an obgyn, who told me he removed all the Endo and that I should be fine despite the fact that I said I had more pain after each one. After finally getting into the Centre for Pelvic Pain & Endometriosis, it was suggested I try IVF before another surgery as I was already 32 at this time. We had just started getting our testing done when my pain became unbearable.


Because of miscommunication, I couldn't get in touch with my specialist at the Centre for months so I ended up going to New York to have surgery by a well-known Endo specialist. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis after that surgery.


My uterus was also operated on as I had been diagnosed with Adenomyosis prior to the surgery. I wasn't able to fully experience relief from this surgery as the adenomyosis continued to progress. I reached levels of pain that I didn't believe were possible to live through. Somehow, I pushed through but eventually I couldn't; I had to quit work, started many therapies, and went on Lupron for 15 months which has left me with serious side effects.


Eventually I had to have a total hysterectomy for Adenomyosis & both Fallopian tubes & left ovary removed removed due to damage caused by Endo. I was not able to access an Endo specialist for this last surgery so excision was not performed. I still experience chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, bowel and urinary issues to name a few. 

I have not been able to work since July 2018 and I'm not sure when I'll be able to or what I'll be capable of doing. Guilt and trying to be my old self drove me for a long time to do things and attend events but I have now realized the impact a few busy days has on my body.

I choose not to go out as much, not because I don’t want to but the energy isn’t there. I get anxious about being out as I don’t know when the pain will start up. Aside from the pain, getting ready to go somewhere uses up half of my energy

My life has changed a lot and I am still in the process of learning a new norm for myself because I can't go back to being who I was. To be completely honest, I don’t know where to start about the changes I have gone through. It took me time to find out what I do know about Endometriosis and Adenomyosis; I have tried to include links to various resources around the Lower Mainland within my blogs. I want you all to know that I am not sharing my story to gain sympathy or to say look how sick I am or to feel sorry for me.

The sole purpose of me starting this site is to get people educated, informed and talking about this terrible disease so others suffering know they are not alone no matter what stage of Endometriosis they have. This is not a competition of who is more symptomatic or who has had more surgeries; we need to listen, learn and support each other in our battle with Endo. 

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis can change you and your life. I experienced sadness, disappointment, anger, and depression when I first became sick. Even now, I still have days where I am trying to understand what I have, am and might still go through and it can be difficult to comprehend it all. 
I have felt weak and defeated so many times battling this disease but I know I'm not because I have come a long way. Even though there are many things I can no longer do, I am determined to do something about Endometriosis. 

Roop Bassra, RN
BSc Psychology, BSc Nursing

Photography: IshuKlerCreative

Photography: Ishu Kler 

Hair & Makeup: Nalini Maharaj

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