By the time 5pm hits, I want someone to serve me dinner, get my bath ready & put me to bed...I’m sure that’s the dream for many! When bedtime does come, I’m so exhausted that I just want to crawl into bed but I’ve noticed doing certain things helps me sleep better

Photography: Ishu Kler Creative
Since sleep is kinda important to me, I gather my energy & try to do as much of my nighttime routine as I can, which involves the following:
Eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, review schedule for next day, make notes, set alarms
Dim bedroom lights or use night lights/lamps/etc
Turn on diffuser (Saje Lavender oil is what’s in my diffuser)
Music set to either 528hz songs on Spotify (this frequency is thought to have a healing effect) or my own playlist on Apple (I like Dan Gibson’s Solitudes)
If taking a bath, I set up my candles, music, DrTeals Epsom Salt (prefer Lavender or Pink Himalayan salt), towel, robe, & then run the bath. Same for the shower, minus the salts
Brush teeth & then head to bathe/shower
For showering, I use Saje Lavender & Friends body wash or their Lavender & Honey Jute wash pad (this is a must have!)
Because I love & need hot baths/shower, I moisturize after with Saje Lavender & Friends lotion or any lotion that is plant based & contains no synthetics
Apply Medistik or Saje Pain Release oil to about half my body 🙃
Head to bed, turn on heat pad, take pills

Photography: Ishu Kler Creative
Apply Saje Peppermint oil for headache or muscle pains Apply Saje Sleep Well to wrist area & inhale deeply (I take 4-5 deep breaths) Spray pillow & surrounding air with Saje Lavender (just a little obsessed with Saje if you can’t tell but for good reason!💚) Cbd Sleep pen from @birchandfogcanada or BCTrees Indica pen Meditate before bed (I do affirmations/positive thoughts) Put on my Shut Eye from Saje & concentrate on breathing to fall asleep Of course, do what you can; I don’t/can’t do all of this every night but try to because of the difference it makes What is an important part of your nighttime routine?
Roop Bassra, RN
BSc Psychology, BSc Nursing